Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to the New Administration-FOB Mixtape

acWith the "recent" release of their DVD featuring a well-done cover of Micheal Jackson's "Beat it", Fall Out Boy fans must have had high hopes for the newly released Fueled By Ramen free sampler "Welcome to the New Administration". Unfortunately, this mixtape, much like the road to Hell, is paved with good intentions and could have been better with a few quick edits.

Featuring four new songs (Only one of which featuring a very long FOBesqe title) this demo is peppered with constant samples of people saying "get familiar"and others of people laughing. It may have seemed like a funny idea in the studio, however, this quickly becomes annoying and I will go as far as to say that it might have ruined the new songs for me entirely. Someone at FBR must have been smoking crack to allow this mixtape to leave the studio.

Having quite possibly the worst name for a song in the entire history of the world, "ALPHAdog and OMEGAlomaniac" has a strong opening in true FOB fashion with a chorus that belongs in a song written by a shitty local band from Buffalo. The only thing that kept me going through this piece was the very catchy melody in the first half of the song; easily one of FOB's most powerful intros for a song. My only advice to the producers is to remove the background and "lower pitch" vocals in this song as they ruin whatever good this song had. This was not a strong way to begin a new offering of songs from one of the most popular bands in America.

"Lake Effect Kid" starts with a very catchy lead guitar riff and goes into a very strong verse. The pre-chorus for this song is fairly weak but is easily made up for by the catchy chorus. The bridge features a catchy 2-guitar solo followed by a "Thanks for the Memories" voice and drums solo of the chorus. Patrick Stump hits some Once again, this song is ruined by the voice of a small girl saying "get familiar" and Clint Sparks constantly introducing himself...consider him on my list.

Travis from the Gym Class Heroes has the tendency to turn any song he is featured on into a hit, or a total piece of crap; "Catch Me if You Can/Proclamation of Emaciation" is the former, not the latter. This song has a strong guitar riff that continues through the intro and all the verses and really sets an upbeat mood through it's entirety. Yet again, the chorus of this song is very catchy and has a rather "Sassy" vocal style that really displays the versatility of Stump's voice. This will be the 2nd or 3rd single of the new album for sure.

The final song (more of a preview of the chorus and part of a verse) has subtle nuances of "Sugar We're Going Down" in the chorus and lyrics that beg to be sung along with. "America's Sweethearts" sounds like it will be a hit and is the only song on the demo that brings the band back to their "From Under the Cork Tree" days; before every rapper on earth had something to do with FOB. No offense to Timbaland.

The offerings from the new FOB CD seem promising and would have been more "listener friendly" had it not been for Clint Sparks and other individuals whose contributions to these tunes made them annoying. The new FOB album hits November 4th. Thanks for the head's up Luda. (If you download the mixtape, you will understand what I mean)

Vocals - 7/10
Lyrics - 8/10
Creativity - 5/10
Replay Value - 9/10

Overall- 72.5%

Download the Mixtape


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the screaming and things during the songs that got annoying but I actually learned to ignore anything that wasn't Patrick Stump's voice.

These probably won't be on the actual CD as Pete hinted that these were some of the 'weaker songs'. Either way, I hope their CD is a success and I can't wait what else they came up with.

I will say, I hope it isn't like the mixtape because no matter now much I liked that they threw us a bone and their lyrics were great, the interruptions in the songs made me want to punch something.

I did enjoy Pete's outtake and Patrick telling us that we couldn't get the rest of the song. Of course I did want to hear the rest of the song but it's PATRICK'S voice, so I can't complain much.

So, I agree with you on some points, but not your whole entry. Thats just my opinion on yours.

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