Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rockstar Mayhem Fest-Dragonforce

Our world would be a much nicer place if there were no such thing as Juggalos, 103.3 Edgers, eyeliner-wearing hard-rockers and the like; I'm clearly not a a big fan of them or their music. Then why pay thirty-one of my hard-earned dollars to attend WNY's largest congregation of these aforementioned individuals? One word my friends, DRAGONFORCE!

Sadly, I am one of the many people who got "addicted" to Guitar Hero 3 and, due only to the ridiculous complexity of "Through the Fire and the Flames", fell in love with "The Force". So it should go without saying that I would have jumped at any opportunity to attend a show featuring them. And on Tuesday, August 19th....I did.

Being a boy that listens primarily to pop and indie rock music, I prepared myself to face the truth that Dragonforce would not be the only band I would be seeing that night. Unfortunately, I discovered that not only was Dragonforce not headlining this show, they were opening it for two of my most hated bands of all time: Disturbed and Slipknot. This was going to be a rough night.

After arriving at Darien Lake Amusement Park, my small group of friends and I parked our car and decided to enjoy "a drink or two," which turned into three straight hours of drinking, mainly to numb the pain of the other acts we'd have to sit through to justify to ourselves that we got our money's worth. At around 7PM we entered the gates to a night we would never forget.

We got a good seat on the lawn right as Dragonforce took the stage and began their intro. The voice of guitar phenom Herman Lee came over the loud speaker announcing that they were, in fact, Dragonforce; cue the main theme from Donkey Kong Country, add in two topless girls jumping up and down and subtract any and all classiness=Drangonforce's Intro. Let the battle begin.

Taking into consideration that I know one and only one Dragonforce song, 99% of their set was a total blur to me. I guess this article should have been titled Rockstar Mayhem Fest-Only one Dragonforce Song Reviewed. All kidding aside, it was on this occasion that I realized that all Dragonforce songs sound the same with the same words and catchy choruses (reference diagram). Dragonforce put on a great set for being given so little time to perform and was very energetic and crowd friendly having an army of fans only there to see one song.

Finally, after 30 minutes of frost covered brows and epic battles, Dragonforce was ready to tell their final tale of the night; their journey "Through the Fire and the Flames". It didn't occur to me until now that the name of that song is redundant. What makes a fire? Isn't it the presence of flames? I digress. It has become common knowledge thanks to Youtube that no one can complete Dragonforce's flagship song in Guitar Hero 3 on expert without the use of anabolic steroids or crack-cocaine. So how were these mere mortals going to pull this song off? By the power of Odin, Dragonforce played this song, including all solos, to a "T". In the end, it was $30 and an hour drive to see a song from a video game played live. But it was worth it.

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